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The Space Between

A Semi-Silent Solstice Retreat

June 21 - 23, 2024

The element and energy of

space & quietude

offer the gifts of reflection, digestion, and integration of life. This weekend is offered as a mindful exploration of silence and space as a means to connect, or re-connect, to your inner light and internal wisdom.

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Why Silence?

To soothe your nervous system from sensory overload.

To hear the signs, signals, and messages that your mental, emotional and physical body are communicating.

To regain clarity.

To restore creativity and vibrancy.

To recognize and remember what you hold sacred.

To let go.

To reclaim your life, path, and purpose.

To remember the answer isn’t more; rather, less.

What to expect

Meditation (silent and guided), gentle asana, space, a guided hike, time to rest, reflect, digest, journal, create, and enjoy healthful, nourishing food.

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“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor Frankl


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$200 non-refundable deposit to save your spot, balance due by May 1st.

*hover over image for details*


Green Rock Spiritual Retreat Center

Getting There

15580 Southwest Fs 5480 Road, Culver, OR 97734

(15 miles north of Redmond, OR)

Driving Directions will be emailed prior to retreat.

For those flying in, the closest airport is RDM (15 miles away)

Arrive Friday afternoon, Depart Sunday midday

About Your Host

"The more time I spend practicing and teaching yoga, the quieter my practice is becoming. I feel drawn to the contemplative and spiritual practices after over a decade of teaching primarily the physical practice. 

I have received profound insights and understanding of myself, others, and the world during my times in quietude and silence.  My hope is that we, individually and collectively, begin to embrace the pause and quietude, as I believe that is where so much wisdom resides - in the spaces between."

Liz Skarvelis

yoga teacher, ayurvedic guide, 

& founder of Love Bird Yoga

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